Rita Zuazua

Title: The color of the crowns

Abstract: In this talk we will take a short tour of some of the classical theorems and (modern) conjectures of colorations. We will show different types of crown colorings and confirm, in joint work with Hanna Furmańczyk, some of the existing conjectures

Rita Zuazua is a full-time professor in the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, since 2007. She did her Bachelor's studies in Physical-Mathematical Sciences at UMSNH; her master's and doctorate in Mathematical Sciences at UNAM. She has belonged to the SNI since 1999. Her research work has been developed in the Theory of representations of algebras, and currently in the Theory of graphs and combinatorics. In addition to her work as a teacher and thesis director, she has dedicated much of her time to the dissemination of mathematics, organizing events, giving conferences and writing books